Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Best Laid Plans

We had several very fun things planned for Thursday and Friday last week.  There was a formal Christmas dinner and a reading of "The Grinch" planned for Thursday.  On Friday, there were going to be classroom Christmas parties, class trips to Crystal Mountain, and a staff breakfast.

Despite looking forward to all these exciting traditions for the past month or so, you can bet we all loved the sound of Carol's voice Thursday morning as she called to let us know that school had been cancelled.  So, all of a sudden, here we are on Christmas break.

Isn't that what happens to our best-laid plans?  We prepare our lessons, yet we can never know what will actually happen.  We never know if the lesson will work out the way we plan it.  We constantly adjust and modify our plans, everyday, in mid-stream.

So first, take a well-deserved 18 days off, then we'll do our Secret Santa reveal, take a trip to Crystal Mountain, and have a formal dinner sometime in 2013.  We'll figure it out on January 7th.  Merry Christmas and Happy 2013!

Great Things I Noticed This Short Week at Betsie Valley

There was a table set up in the lobby that was full of bright and animated robots created by Mr. Kelly's second graders.

There were 28 beautiful and accurate National Monument projects brought in to Mrs. Vanderlinde's classroom on Monday morning, which were displayed for all to see on Wednesday.

Three separate groups from outside our school contacted Mrs. Sauer, each wishing to donate Christmas presents for entire families.

Ms. Herban's kids collected clothing and hygiene items all this week to donate to BACN as a way to celebrate the holiday season together.

4th and 5th graders, Tyler and Larry, led Mrs. Vanderlinde's 2nd grade class in singing Christmas Carols Tuesday.

After two days of training at TBA-ISD, Mrs. Corey and Mrs. Gramzow are now certified in P-BIT.

And...there are about ten kindergarteners who think my name is MR. GRAPES.

Articles Worth Your Time
3 Characteristics of a Great Teacher - (A Brief Description of Betsie Valley Teaching Staff)

10 Things Teachers Can Do Over Christmas Break - Read it from the bottom to the top if you want realistic ideas :)

This is how our Kindergarteners were learning volleyball skills Wednesday (FUN!):

Short Videos Worth Your Time

Special Holiday Message From State Superintendent Mike Flanagan:

The year 2012 is almost over...Hard to believe! Here's a recap, based on Google searches:

How to wrap a present:

Mrs. Vanderlinde's and Mr. Kelly's 2nd Graders' National Monument Projects:

Friday, December 14, 2012

Meeting the Needs

The second week of the month is always a busy one for teachers, as many of us lead or attend  meetings around the district.  This past week, we bounced from curriculum council and liaison meetings to a school board meeting, from a technology committee meeting to a PTS meeting, and then a building staff meeting.  In addition, there were a handful of special education meetings sprinkled throughout the week.  Each of these meetings has its own individual purpose, yet each discussion and decision always contributes back to the overall mission of the school.  That mission truly wraps all these meetings together.

Two key parts of the mission of Benzie Schools:

1. "...provide a safe learning environment..."
The staff and students at Betsie Valley Elementary School conducted a Code Red Lockdown drill on Wednesday afternoon.  We have a detailed plan which requires the cooperation of everyone on staff as well as the students to maintain safety in the event of an emergency posing an immediate physical threat in or around our building.  A huge "Thank You" to you if you were a part of this drill.  The crisis plan is consistently being adjusted and updated to ensure we are always doing everything within our control to assure everyone's safety while at school.

2. "...motivate all students to reach their highest potential..."
We try to help students to understand that knowledge is important, and that the key to knowledge is learning.  When students understand this, their motivation comes from within themselves.  This is called intrinsic motivation.  However, when this kind of motivation wanes, like we all know it can on occasion, students need extrinsic motivation for learning.  Students don't always see the big picture, or understand why "this" is important to learn.  At other times, they may not understand a new concept, and that can lead to frustration.  Therefore, we strive to always make learning exciting, use technology, develop hands-on lessons, and make the lessons relevant to their lives.  We strive to consistently involve both sides of the brain in this process, catering to the many different learning styles that students exhibit.  Betsie Valley truly is a great place for students to learn and grow!!

Here are some great things I noticed during the past week at Betsie Valley Elementary:

Every student was given an opportunity to shop for gifts to give their family members at the Christmas Bazaar.  Several families donated gently used items.  Other families donated some new items.  Still other items were purchased by our PTS.  A group of parents volunteered their entire days wrapping those gifts.  This year's Bazaar was especially made possible by Michelle Tinoco and her "extra mile" efforts.  Thanks Michelle!

Fifth graders demonstrated great servant leadership this week as they helped wrap presents for 1st graders at our Christmas Bazaar on Monday.  They were not asked to help.  They simply saw a need and then helped meet it.

Snow blanketed the playground early in the week, providing a new element of fun for kids at recess, especially those continuing to play Four Square!

Mrs. Sauer invited kids to sit in her chair and chat as she wrapped the Christmas gifts they bought for their brothers and sisters at the Bazaar.

Mrs. Dodge's new kindergarten classroom is looking great and coming together in a hurry!  Mr. Fekete finished painting the walls and put the cabinets in, and Mr. Zelinski hung the smartboard and replaced the bathroom sink.

Students in Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Travis, Mr. Cox, Mrs. Corey, and Mrs. Gramzow's classes are all utilizing the set of Title I iPad's to enrich what they're learning in their reading and writing lessons.

Savannah, in fourth grade, was reading so quickly, accurately, and fluently for Ms. Herban during partner reads, that it became a challenge for Ms. Herban to keep up and to track it on Savannah's graph!  Great work, Savannah!

I got mobbed with hugs in Mrs. Erfourth's 1st grade class...again.  They come out of nowhere!

Here is the schedule for Tuesday's PLC meetings: (Click on image to enlarge)
Articles Worth Your Time:

You're doing better than you think

Very Short Stories That Will Make You Smile

Videos Worth Your Time:

Lost Generation - (Watch it all the way through)

Friday, December 7, 2012

December Excitement

The most interesting thing to me about elementary school-aged children is their excitement.  They seem to always be excited about something: one day it's a toy, the next it's an assembly, a birthday or field trip...  Not too long ago, it was Halloween.  And then it was the snow falling outside.  Next it'll be Christmas.  Then it will be Valentine's Day... and so it will continue until we start all over again at the beginning of another school year.

I think we all enjoy that annual cycle.  It's a part of what helps keep us going as teachers throughout the year.  We look forward to our projects with students, long weekends, end-of-year field trips, staff get-togethers, conferences or seminars, and holiday and summer breaks.  Those things are milestones that come around at the same time every year and which mark the seasons for us.

I've always looked forward to and anticipated dates and events that are off in either the near or distant future.  What I have found this year though, is that I'm simply enjoying each day I'm in.  Time always goes by so much faster when I'm actively involved in a project or activity all day long. Every day this year, I've found myself doing that which I love doing.  I'm not sure if living in the moment like this is something that is a result of being so busy with the transition into a new school or working on something different each day with the great staff, families, and students at BVE, but I love it.  I really can't believe it's December! Time is flying!

Here are some great things I noticed during the past week at Betsie Valley Elementary:

Lily and Devon led the Kindergarten class in a rousing dance to the Alphabet Rap Song Friday morning.

Kindergartners and 5th graders sang the praises of  Mrs. Couturier and Mrs. Hathaway as they delivered rewards to them for being the lunchroom winners in the behavior competition.

Mr. Luebke's class was sitting on the floor clapping out all their spelling words Thursday morning.

3rd grader, Cody, turned his Monday around in a big way at the Community Meeting, where he was recognized for working extra diligently the week prior, and where he won a Betsie Valley t-shirt.

Ella, in Mr. Kelly's class, was experimenting with an iPad app and was so captivated by it that it was nearly impossible for me to get her attention, even as I knelt down in front of her and spoke her name a few times.

On the playground, Paige and Ms. Kitty have a nice game of cat and mouse going that has lasted several days so far.

5th graders have been caught being responsible a couple times as they read to each other in the hallway.

Red, Mr. Luebke's dog, paid us a visit on Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Kessler once again did a fantastic job subbing at Betsie Valley, this time in 1st Grade at the end of the week.

Deer Beware: As of Friday morning, Ms. Herban has a beautiful new Toyota Camry in the parking lot.

Office Discipline Referrals Are Down!

Article Worth Your Time:

Very Short Videos Worth Your Time:

This is the kind of passion for teaching that teachers have at Betsie Valley!

The all-time best Christmas Advertisement

These are awesome!  Kids tell the story, adults act them out.  This one is a Math Lesson.

Jill and I went in for a 3-D ultrasound on Wednesday night.  Jill and baby are both healthy. This little guy is due January 27th!!!

 Have a great weekend, everyone!  See you in school.