Wednesday, October 16, 2013


With the beginning of this new school year, there have come a number of changes at Betsie Valley Elementary.  Change is an extremely normal part of life.  Naturally, things do not remain the same over time.  Metal rusts, flowers bloom, people age, seasons come and go...

Even though everything is in a constant state of change, people tend to want what is familiar. We don't tend to seek out opportunities to change our routines.  So when change does come, it disrupts our equilibrium. Whether it’s the sudden loss of a loved one or road construction on our morning drive, the world we once knew is gone, and it’s difficult adjusting to whatever comes next.

Change is difficult because our surroundings are replaced by unfamiliarity, and we become stressed, anxious, or even fearful.  A healthy response to change is to have a host of emotions.  We can be angry or sad.  We can be excited or nervous.  We can be surprised, frustrated, or disappointed.

Whatever changes you are experiencing right now, hang in there.  Whatever you're feeling is normal, and though you may not have control over all the factors, do what you can to stabilize and reorient yourself  to your new normal.

Betsie Valley School Calendar - bookmark it.  Notice 5th grade camp and the Book Fair later this month.

Thanks to Sam's Club in Traverse City, Betsie Valley Elementary teachers received a total of $1000 to offset out-of-pocket classroom expenses in September!

Articles to Read

Letter From Parents to Schools

Sixty Ways to Make Life Simple Again

Videos to Watch
Brave Malala on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart:

 When You Say Nothing At All...

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