Thursday, March 28, 2013


I like tulips.  They're definitely my favorite flower.  They're simple.  They're perennials, and I like the concept of not replanting them every year.  I like them for their shape, colors, and scent as well.  But it's much more than that.  Tulips are usually among the first to bloom of all spring flowers. They often pop up while there's still snow on the ground.  In fact, as I ventured outside and around the side of the school building last week, I had to step around a few tulip sprouts in order to measure the snow on the birdfeeder.
When tulips sprout in March in Benzie County, nothing comes easy for them.  They have to find a way to survive.  The challenges are many; the odds are stacked against them.  Yet, they succeed in spite of these many challenges.

Educators and students deal with some huge challenges too, in America in general, and at Betsie Valley specifically.  We've worked hard, and we'll continue to work hard to find the necessary solutions.  Actually, identifying challenges, intervening, and finding solutions is at the very core of what we do.  In the end, we know that it's the challenges that make all the successes we experience so sweet.  Among so many other qualities, it's this mindset of perseverance in our staff and students that makes me so proud to participate in the great work taking place in our school.

A Glance at the Week Ahead:
Tuesday: Return from Spring Break; Behavior Boot Camp
Wednesday: Behavior Boot Camp
Thursday: Behavior Team Meeting 8am; Behavior Boot Camp; Chess Club 4pm
Friday:  Staff Meeting 8am; Kirsten G at BV; Daily Winners Reward 2:40; Movie Night 6:00pm

Links, Websites, and Resources
Brandi-Lyn Mendham is on the West Shore ESD General Education Services team (formerly Mason-Lake ISD). She highlights technology websites and resources on her blog, All Things Elementary.

This site is called "NewsHugs." Their tagline is: "No bad news, just the stuff that reaffirms your societal optimism."

This is the most addictive website for a person like me.  It's called What if. Tagline: "Answering your hypothetical questions with physics."

An interesting article summarizing a study at Michigan State University.  Using gestures while teaching math in elementary school is found to boost learning.

Great things happening at Betsie Valley Elementary:

Our guest on Thursday morning was TBAISD Assistant Superintendent Jason Jeffrey. He read "Moose on the Loose" to all our kids in each of our classes.

It was Spirit Week at Betsie Valley!  Kids wore clothes connected to different themes each day including a sports day and a formal clothes day.

On Friday, staff and students enjoyed a cozy clothes day.  At the end of the day, students chose between watching Hook, Swiss Family Robinson, Mary Poppins, Shiloh, and Sound of Music.

Hunter won the 2nd Grade Spelling Bee on Friday morning.  Great job to all the participants!

Students are ready for the movie to begin in Mrs. Erfourth's class on Friday afternoon.

Videos Worth Your Time

There have been some amazing games in the NCAA tournament so far.  None better than this one! Go Blue!

What is the best way to learn?

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