Sunday, April 28, 2013

Student Recognition

For me, a few of the highlights of this year so far have come from the Honor Roll Assemblies.  There haven't been that many - we've only held three.  There's really not a whole lot to them - they each only last about 20 minutes or so.  But there are about 60 kids that walk out of those assemblies feeling pretty special, as well they should.  (By the way, we had more students on the Honor Roll in the third quarter than we've had all year.)

These kids work hard for an entire marking period and they earn all A's and B's on their report card.  They put in all kinds of hard work for nine weeks.  They've earned at least a brief moment of recognition.  Celebrating them by calling their names and having them come up front to receive a certificate and small material reward is literally, just about the least we can do for them.

There are several more kids that have significant achievements in other areas which have not produced any major public recognition.  Sometimes, the only recognition they get comes in the form of a simple compliment or a "congratulations" from the teacher.  Other times, it comes as a note at the top of a great piece of writing or a math test.  Even that kind of small, simple gesture will boost the confidence of a young learner beyond our imagination.  Students really thrive on that kind of recognition from their teachers and other adults in the building.

It's always a pleasure watching kids' faces as they accomplish their goals, with or without the recognition. So we will continue to provide as many opportunities for our kids to learn, and looks for even more opportunities to recognize our students' accomplishments.

Last Week at Betsie Valley
The Buy-One-Get-One-Free Scholastic Book Fair was a success for many: kids got great deals on books and the school was able to purchase new books for the library.

Kindergarten Round-Up brought twenty-one 4 and 5 year olds in to school to meet with Ms. Dodge, Mrs. Sauer, and Ms. Austin.  Welcome to Betsie Valley, Class of 2026!

Thursday was one of the best nights of the year at Betsie Valley as we hosted an Ice Cream Social as well as our Title I Night.  It was capped off by a wonderful Talent Show.

Kindergarteners and 1st graders spent the day on Friday at the Butterfly Museum.

Next Week at Betsie Valley

5th Graders begin piloting the Smarter Balanced Assessment in English/Language Arts.

1st Graders from all four elementary schools will enjoy (or not!) a Reptile Show on Monday morning.  Norm Wright, the snake man, will do a show at 9:45 for Betsie Valley and Crystal Lake, and another at 10:45 for Platte River and Lake Ann.

Girl Scouts 4:00

Girls on the Run 4:00

Music Program Rehearsals 11:00 

Music Program Rehearsals 11:00
Girls on the Run 4:00
Chess Club 4:00

Kirsten Gerbatsch will be at Betsie Valley Elementary to do lessons and tastings

Betsie Valley District Library Groundbreaking Ceremony 1:00

Videos to Watch
10 Technology Tips You Should Know and Use (TED Talk)

 Enjoy the Weather!

Betsie Valley Talent Show 2013

 3rd-5th Graders 1st time on the Honor Roll this school year!

All A's for all three marking periods!

The building project happening at the Betsie Valley District Library in Thompsonville
(Click to Enlarge)

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