Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year

About 45% of Americans make New Year's Resolutions every year.  Only 12% follow through  and accomplish their goals.  So why? Why would anyone make a resolution? Because life is nothing if not about taking risks and testing our own limits in spite of the odds stacked against us.  Because it's better to make a resolution and fail, than continue on in the status quo.  Because self-improvement is exciting.  These are the messages we want to send our own kids/students, so why would we live our lives any differently?

So let's all resolve to make a resolution in 2013.

A successful resolution is specific and measurable.  We also need to make sure we pick something attainable and realistic.  And we'll write it down and tell others because we all need accountability and encouragement.  Plus, if no one else knows what we're doing, it would be too easy to change our goals when the going gets tough.  

One of my own goals for 2013 is to run a 26.2-mile trail marathon, finishing under 3 hours and 30 minutes.  I've taken the step of signing up already, even though the race isn't until September.  An amazing thing happened once I signed up: I went out for a run.  And then another and another.  It's early January and I've already taken a few steps toward success. I'd love to hear about your goals for 2013.

Soon, we will come together as a Betsie Valley staff to set several specific and measurable school improvement goals for our school.  We will take stock of where we are and discuss attainable and realistic goals for where we want to be.   We will write it down because  accountability (even from the State) is good, and thus, we'll chart a course for 2013 for our school.

It's going to be a great year, and I'm so fortunate to be able to share it with you.  Happy New Year!

Take Note:

Mrs. Dodge's new room was turned into a kindergarten classroom this week.  Also, Mike painted the doorways in the Kindergarten hallway.  Have a look on Monday!

As of right now, no new computers or document cameras have been installed at Betsie Valley.  They are in at MS/HS, and Lake Ann. Betsie Valley is next in line, so please be patient, and make sure you keep any and all post-it notes on your personal monitors and computers. 
Grant and Kurt will be working over the next week or so to make this happen. 

We will be rescheduling the Christmas dinner (12/20 snow day) and the Staff Breakfast/Secret Santa Reveal (12/21 snow day).  Stay tuned early this week for that information.

Videos worth your time:

In the life of that one student, be the person that unlocks a passion (Fascinating!) (3 mins)

A Great Way to Start 2013 (5 mins)

Wright's Law: it's his personal life that he uses to teach the true meaning of life (12 mins)

Articles Worth Your Time:

Amazing role models: hard to find, surprisingly easy to be!

8 Things you must give up to find peace

Here are some outstanding pieces of Christmas artwork completed by Mrs. Lamkey's art students at Betsie Valley Elementary, printed by the Record-Patriot Newspaper:

Students from Mrs. Vanderlinde's 2nd Grade Social Studies class are pictured in the Record-Patriot Newspaper here with their National Monuments.

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