Thursday, January 24, 2013

To-Do List

We spend much of our time each day doing the things we're responsible for doing.  We teach, have conversations with other staff, parents, and students, solve all the little logistical problems, answer questions for kids, write emails, talk on the phone, and manage conflicts.  We don't have to plan out a time to accomplish each of these things; we just do them as a normal part of our every day.  So much time gets used up doing these very important "every day" things.

And then there are the tasks or projects that need our extra time or special attention and focus in order to complete.  You know, the things that have deadlines.  We put these things on our "to-do" lists.  Constantly, new tasks are added, and who doesn't love crossing them off as they get completed?

Here are a few things on my to-do list right now (in no particular order):

School Improvement Reports - Through the School Improvement process, we create plans for improving every aspect of our school.  We have one report to complete in February, and another to do in March.  The SI team is nearly assembled, and we are just about ready to dive into this very important work. These reports will provide us with some great direction.

Observations/Evaluations- Soon, we will work together to schedule the second round of classroom observations, which will be completed in February and March.  I look forward to some great discussions with staff about the teaching and learning I've seen and heard happening in every classroom.

PLC Day for Data Review- A day in early February will be chosen to have our professional learning communities come together again at Betsie Valley, as we did in December.  There will be several brief grade level meetings in order to review the winter AIMSweb data, and to make important decisions about student placement into and out of our many Reading and Math interventions.

School Security- Our Lockdown Drill went very well on Wednesday, as Michigan State Police trooper Greg Hubers and a few other police officers assured us.  There are always opportunities to improve on our procedures, so we will be discussing this as a staff at an upcoming staff meeting.

Farm to School- Kirsten Gerbatsch is our point-of-contact for this initiative.  We will be working with her to help our students gain a better appreciation for fresh food, gardening, and nutritious decisions.  There will be a Farm To School Inservice on April 24th at TBAISD for one of our teachers to attend as well.  We will be inviting Kirsten to introduce herself at our February 8th staff meeting.

Great things happening at Betsie Valley:

2nd graders worked together on a water purification experiment in Mr. Kelly's science class Wednesday (pictures below).  Boys and girls used a metal screen, several coffee filters, a few paper towels, and two cups to try to take dirt, leaves, seeds, and other impurities out of their water samples.

4th graders learned a new way to do double-digit multiplication problems in Ms. Herban's class.  Correction: I learned a new way to do double digit multiplication in Ms. Herban's class.  Ask me, and I'll show you the "volcano" method.

Mrs. Garske is back in the kitchen.  She made a delicious turkey dinner for all staff and students on Wednesday!

Mrs. Hathaway has a great knack for getting her bunch of 1st graders to work hard on improving their reading skills.

5th graders have about 17 different desk arrangements in Mr. Wassa's room.

Ms. Kitty and Mrs. Hunsinger have our younger students doing remarkably well with the indoor recesses this week.

Mr. Luebke, always the trend-setter.  He flipped his windshield wipers up.  Then everyone else followed suit.  Well played, Tom.

Mr. Cox played chef as he cut turkey for 160 kids and 25 staff members on Wednesday. Ms. Dodge, Mrs. Bluhm, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Wassa, Mrs. Hunsinger, and Ms. Kitty all served kids as well.  Service is contagious.

Articles worth your time

These videos are definitely worth your time:

Some insight into FoodCorps' Vision: Changing the Way We Eat (10 mins)

These brothers are incredible!

Pictures from Mr. Kelly's Science Water Purification Experiment

One aspect of the Farm-to-School Initiative at Benzie Schools is the "10 Cents A Meal" Program

This is worth putting in here again!

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