Sunday, March 3, 2013

Teaching with Technology

It's March now, so I'm getting interested in basketball again.  Does anyone know when and where basketball was invented?  I can find the answers to those questions pretty quickly and easily.  I'll just open another tab on my laptop here and type it into google.  I'll have answers in just a few seconds.  I do about fifteen or twenty web searches every day.  I don't think I used to seek that much information, but because I know I'll be able to find answers so quickly, I do.  We are definitely becoming more inquisitive people in this age of information.

When all of us were in school, teachers would teach us facts.  Now, when there's a fact-based question that needs answered, it can be googled, anywhere and in any place, so teaching facts just isn't quite as important anymore.  Though schools may not have to teach facts in quite the same ways they once did, we'll certainly need to teach students how to effectively find the answers to the questions they have.  So, students of today need access to reliable computers and exposure to the world through the internet.  Kids can then seek, find, and share information.  That's a big deal: students becoming engaged and playing a large role in the learning process.

Twelve months ago, almost to the day, the Benzie County Central community showed its support for its schools by passing a nearly $2 million bond proposal, mostly for new technology in our schools.  If you voted, thank you!  Our labs are all now equipped with plenty of wonderful new internet-connected computers! Also, (almost) every classroom is equipped with a document camera and data projector.  Our new technology certainly isn't going to do magical things for our schools.  But in the end, the new computers and cameras will serve as very useful tools.  They'll go a long way in helping teachers develop our students.

Great things happening at Betsie Valley Elementary

Six kids enjoyed root beer floats on Monday as winners of the raffle at the Community Meeting.

Students who see Ms. Austin for speech therapy now enjoy a bigger and brighter area to work as her space has moved to occupy a portion of the professional learning center.

The Girl Scouts held their version of the Daytona 500 in the gym after school on Monday.  The running of the Bobcat 500 was a huge success!

Fourth grade boys played a rousing game of lightning in gym class with Mr. Moss on Wednesday.  Once they learned how to play it, that game was a big hit.

Both the fourth and the fifth grade classes were rewarded with ice cream sandwiches on Wednesday for their excellent lunchroom behavior recently.

Articles Worth Reading

7 Critical Truths We Forget All Too Soon

Videos Worth Watching

This is such a refreshing story!

Kindergarteners show their support for classmate Andrew with their Stay Strong bracelets

The Girl Scouts' Bobcat 500 was Monday afternoon

3rd Graders Enjoyed their Field Trip to Leelenau!

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