Sunday, February 24, 2013

Engaging Kids

Have you seen those AT&T commercials where a man in a suit sits down to chat with a handful of elementary aged children?  There are several different variations of them.  They start out with the man asking the kids if it's better to do two things at once or just one, if more or less is better, if faster or slower is better. The answer the kids give is always the obvious choice: they think doing two things is better, and that more and faster is unquestionably best.

As for a phone, having faster and more available options is important, and perhaps it's better.  In school, if we took our cues from the voices of the most outspoken kids, our goal would be to make things super exciting all the time and put a focus on just having fun.  We'd put a priority on doing only exciting, eye-catching activities. Though we do consider the interests of the students, they haven't the maturity to know the difference between what's engaging and what's essential.

Don't be mistaken, kids have great thoughts and we ought to always listen to their suggestions, but teachers take multiple factors into account when making classroom decisions.  They look for what's best for the entire group.  They know the purpose of every activity and can sense when it's time to wrap it up.  They know when to reteach and when to move on to the next lesson, when to circle back, and how to scaffold and differentiate.  Teachers know best.

Teachers are most successful when they're able to take those essential things in the curriculum and make them engaging.  Doing that is challenging, yet very possible.  That, in essence, is our calling and our charge.

Some of the great things happening at Betsie Valley Elementary

It was a joy to spend some time in Mrs. Erfourth's first grade class on Thursday morning.  I'm thankful for each of the opportunities I get to teach in the classrooms.

Mr. Luebke's 3rd grade class enjoyed a day in the out-of-doors on a field trip to Leelenau on Friday.

All week long, technology maintenance requests are sent to Grant.  Then on Thursday, Grant pops out to Betsie Valley and is ALWAYS very helpful with all our computer and other technology needs.

The first graders appreciated the ice cream treat at lunch on Friday.  Mrs. Couturier and Mrs. Hathaway appreciated the great first graders' behavior over the past couple weeks as they worked hard to earn that reward.

As custodian, Mike is constantly going above and beyond his call of duty to take care of some maintenance needs in and around the building.  His work in the new Professional Learning Center and on the stage in these past two weeks has been incredibly helpful.

I'm constantly amazed at the Betsie Valley community in the many ways they look to help each other out and take care of each other.  Last month, it was the food drive.  This month, in the wake of a devastating tragedy, there have been several donations made, and now other plans are in the works for a benefit to raise even more money.  The old adage, "It takes a village..." is reality at Betsie Valley.

Interesting Videos

Quick Key is a new iPhone app.  Watch the developer use it to grade some multiple choice quizzes! (2 mins)

So you think you're busy...(3 mins)

Laughter is the best medicine...(4 mins)

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