Sunday, May 5, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week

It's Teacher Appreciation Week.  And who was the brilliant individual that decided to put this important week in the month of May?  Perfect timing!

Teachers are at the center of the school experience.  Teachers are the beginning and the end of all good learning.  It's the relationships that kids have with the adults in the school building that makes the biggest difference for most kids' schooling experience.  It's impossible to replace the human connection between a teacher and a student.  Ask anyone and they'll tell you which teacher impacted them the most when they were in school. 

My favorite grade in school was fourth grade. My teacher, Mr. Scogg, was everything you want your teacher to be: fair, consistent, friendly, knowledgeable, persistent.

Often times, teachers play an even bigger role in the life of a child.  Teachers help kids get a sense of their own significance.  They play the role of encourager, disciplinarian, doctor, peacemaker, and friend, to every kid, all day, every day.  It's truly amazing what teachers do.

The students at Betsie Valley Elementary are in very caring and capable hands.  We are not at a shortage of quality teachers.  As a matter of fact, all our teachers are amazing.  In every classroom, every day, each teacher is excellent in his/her own way.  Each contributes to the overall positive culture and success of our school.  Each should be proud of the work they do.  And I can only hope that each feels appreciated.

Last Week At Betsie Valley
On Monday, 1st graders enjoyed the Reptile Show by Norm Wright...

In May, Mr. Wassa's class is participating in "Science Challenges."  In Friday's Challenge, students transported a softball across the basketball court and into the basket, returning the ball back to its starting position, all without touching it with their hands. They did great!

On Wednesday and Thursday, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders rehearsed for their music program.  3rd-5th grades will perform on 5/9 at 7pm.

Kirsten Gerbatsch was at Betsie Valley on Friday, giving students the opportunity to try fresh kale, which was a huge hit.  Kids love trying new things, and kale was certainly something many kids had never tried before.

Next Week At Betsie Valley

May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week!

Monday: Community Meeting 9:30; Girl Scouts 4:30

Tuesday: Girls on the Run 4:00

Wednesday: Fire Drill 3:30

Thursday: Preschool Playgroup 9:30; Music Assembly 11:00; Girls on the Run 4:00; Chess Club 4:00; 3rd,4th,5th Music Program 7:00

Friday: Meet the Teacher Day (Preschool --> Kindergarten)

Great Articles

The 7 Most (and Least) Effective Ways to Improve Student Achievement (A Great Infographic)

12 Things Kids Want From Their Teachers

Video to Watch
Everyone Needs A Champion

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