Saturday, May 11, 2013


I listen to music every time I go out for a run.  To be honest, I'm not exactly sure of all the effects it has on me during that time.  Does it distract me from the pain or focus me on each step?  Does it motivate me to work harder, or does it relax me?  It's hard to say, but I think it does all of those, at different times, during each and every one of my runs.  Depending on the song, and depending on what I need at that moment, I find what I'm looking for in the music.

It is so important for schools to teach the basics of appreciating, reading, playing, and creating music. These things happen mostly in Music classes, and there are huge benefits to these classes.  Students learn new musical skills such as playing an instrument or learning the words and tune to a new song.  To learn an instrument or a song, and to become competent at it, requires practice, thus developing discipline.  Singing together with classmates requires each student to work together, developing teamwork and trust.  The benefits of music can not be ignored in the rest of the student's day, either.  Music affects the brain in many positive ways, including recalling memories and increasing productivity.

There are endless opportunities every day for music to be incorporated.  As a teacher, I've played instrumental or classical music during work times, and the effect is usually increased focus.  I often sing to my own children at home before bedtime to calm and settle them after an active day.  Many times, I've used short, catchy music clips while teaching complex lessons in order to anchor each concept to a different sound.  I play music for my kids in the minivan on long trips because, for some reason, time passes quickly when listening to, and engaging in music.

Sometimes it's just nice to play some music at random times to create an atmosphere of family within the classroom.  Music can brighten an otherwise dark day for a child.  It can bring a student out of her shell.  It can inspire a student to generate new ideas.  It can get a student out of his seat for a much needed stretch and dance.  Overall, when students are exposed to music, it engages their minds and can speak to the very core of their beings.

Last Week at Betsie Valley
Two more students won globes in the raffle at the Community Meeting Monday morning.

The 3rd-5th graders held their final rehearsal for their music program on Wednesday.  The assembly was on Thursday.

We received a very exciting delivery on Friday: five new picnic tables!  These tables were purchased as a part of a very generous donation to Betsie Valley Elementary from Gertie Bell.

Many four and five year old boys and girls met and got to know Ms. Dodge on Friday during "Meet the Teacher" day.

Thursday night, Mrs. Reed led the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders through their music program for parents.  It was a fantastic lesson in the human skeletal system, set to music.  After singing and moving and effectively teaching those concepts to each other and their parents, these lessons will stay with these students for years to come.

I asked kids all week what they appreciate most about their teachers.  This bulletin board captures a small portion of what they had to say:

Next Week at Betsie Valley 

Monday: Girl Scouts 4:30; BCCS Board Meeting 7:00
Tuesday: Girls on the Run 4:00-5:30; PTS Meeting 4:30
Wednesday: Farm-to-School lessons by Kirsten Gerbatsch
Thursday: David Milarch Assembly 1:45; Girls on the Run 4:00-5:30; Chess Club 4:00; K-2 Music Performance 7:00
Friday: Kindergarten and 1st Grade Field Trip to Moomer's; 3rd Grade Field Trip to Thompsonville Library.

Videos To Watch
 Take a few minutes and watch this.  Then watch it again!

Josh Warren is a friend of mine from my days of working at SpringHill Summer Camp.  Josh's father was an elementary school principal and ran in the Fifth Third Riverbank Run every year to raise money for his school.  Josh lost his father last September to a massive heart attack while out walking. Josh is not much of a runner himself, but he wanted to see his father's legacy continue.  Please watch his amazing story.

David Letterman's "Top Ten Reasons I Decided To Become A Teacher"

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