Monday, June 17, 2013


Kids love to play.  And it's so good for them.  Whether playing a game of Four Square on the playground or a pick-up game of soccer, kids seem to always be totally and completely engaged.  And there are countless benefits to the act of playing.

When kids explore the world around them through trial and error, they learn so much about themselves.  At school, at the park, indoor and outdoor recesses...there is multitude of opportunities for kids to get practice at real-life problem solving and to improve their self-confidence, as well as to develop of social skills such as cooperation and sharing.  No doubt, all kids could use more of this kind of physical and cooperative play incorporated into their days.

Last year, a significant and very generous donation was made to the early learners at Betsie Valley Elementary.  As a team, we could think of no better way to use a portion of that donation than to make improvements to the playground and to add a couple pieces of play equipment for the kids.

It is my hope and the hope of all of us here at Betsie Valley that the kids get out and play this summer.  Go to the park, play on the swings, run around the yard, play tag, hide-n-seek...whatever the game, it really doesn't matter as long as they are interacting with other kids while moving around outside.

Have a great summer.  See you in September!

David Milarch visited Betsie Valley Elementary.  Each student left school with a tree.

 The Musical Drama for Kindergartners, First, and Second Graders.

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