Sunday, March 2, 2014

Teams Work

After my family finished eating our dinner together, and before my two brothers and I could take off to play games, do homework, or watch tv, my dad would always reiterate the expectation that everyone helps with the cleanup of the meal.  "All the way to the dishwasher," he would say.  And then, to encourage us in the process, "Many hands make light work."

It was the latter phrase which would be repeated frequently throughout my childhood and teenage years.  Time and time again, that same phrase, "Many hands make light work." It became a motto, of sorts, in our home.  In every situation: cleaning the boats, shoveling snow off of our hockey rink, raking the leaves in the yard, putting away sporting equipment, and even during grocery shopping.

"Many hands make light work." It reminded us that we were not going it alone.  It reminded us that we could always accomplish more when we work together.  By and large, our family worked well together.  Of course, we weren't without conflict, but we worked for each other, not for ourselves.  And that kept us focused.  We acted as a unit, a team.

Teamwork is the best quality of any great team.  It is, afterall, what makes a team, work. Right?  Teamwork makes dealing with conflict and failure not as hard, as the failure is shared. Besides, it is in those moments that we learn and grow together the most.  Failure and conflict can actually accelerate a team's success.

Two players from the University of Michigan men's basketball Final Four team from last year left the team to go play professionally in the NBA. Then, Michigan lost their preseason All-American player to a season-ending back surgery just two weeks into this year's season. Granted, all teams can count on experiencing setbacks, but those are some pretty major obstacles for a team to overcome.

With very little time to create a new plan for the season, Michigan's players and coaches decided that they were still going to do the absolute best they could to accomplish their goals.  They would each step up and do their best in an effort to be successful.  They were committed to this. Yes, they've had losses, failure, and more setbacks along the way.  Not only has that not stopped them, but these setbacks have led them to achieve. Michigan just finished in first place in the Big Ten Conference this season.

Educators at Platte River work together as a team, with the students, families, and this community, to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves.  We will have setbacks and experience failure together.  We will always learn from our mistakes and grow, and we will support each other in the great work we are here to do.

"Many hands make light work."

Speaking of Great Things Happening at Platte River:

Odyssey of the Mind Students who have been working with Mrs. Jass and Mrs. McLaren had an opportunity to showcase their hard work on Wednesday at the school-wide assembly. Then at Saturday's competition, the 3rd/4th grade team earned 1st place and will be going on to compete at the State competition! INCREDIBLE!

Students are learning how to use martial arts to build confidence and self esteem, among other attributes, as Sifu Jim Adkins of White Tiger Martial Arts offers his leadership to Benzie Central 6th Graders, in conjunction with the SEEDS program.

A new opportunity: Food Corps and Platte River Elementary are looking for Hoop House Angels to help with the maintaining of the Hoop House over the summer.  Please contact Bonnie Smith at Grow Benzie at if you would like more information.

Platte River Elementary is now offering Universal Breakfast for all students, regardless of free or reduced status.  Beginning on Monday, March 3rd, and through the rest of the school year, all Platte River Elementary and Benzie Central 6th Graders will be offered a breakfast everyday.

Next Week at Platte River Elementary at a Glance:
March 3: March is Reading Month Begins
March 4: 6th Grade Martial Arts 2:30pm; Benzie Schools Budget Workshop
March 5: Read Across America in classrooms 9:30-10:30
March 6: Kindergarten Field Trip to Timberlee!
March 7: Way to Grow Preschool Playgroup 9:30-11:00; Pajama Day for Reading; Food Corps Lessons
March 8: Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby 10:00-4:00

Articles/Links you should visit today:

Nurture Your Child Into Being A Lifelong Reader - Edutopia

Platte River School Calendar - If something is missing, contact me at

Mindsets in the Classroom Book - Many Platte River staff are now reading this book together.  Click the link and get a sneak peek.  If you are interested in more information or would like to request a copy to read, contact Mrs. Rosa at

Grow Benzie - Click to visit their website and learn more about our Hoop House and the other programs Grow Benzie offers in our community.

Food Corps - We are proud to have Food Corps partners Lianna and Meghan work regularly in our classrooms to get students excited about a variety of fresh foods.  Click on the link to learn more about this excellent organization.

Videos you should watch today:
Take a Minute with Mr. Rogers, won't you?

Watch this, and if you've already seen it, watch it again!

Anyone can make a difference!

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