Friday, February 1, 2013

RIP MEAP 1969-2014

MEAP testing will soon be a thing of the past.  2014-2015 will be it's last school year.  Beginning in the spring of that school year (2015), Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) will replace the tests that Michigan students have been taking since the 1969-1970 school year.

With the paper/pencil MEAP tests going away and the computer-based SBA coming in, we needed to make sure our technology infrastructure was ready.  Using some of the money from the passing of the millage last year, the technology committee has replaced every student computer in each of the labs throughout the district.  Our school's technology infrastructure is now, without a doubt, much better prepared for our students to take the SBA than it was just a few months ago.

More important than preparing our computers, it is essential that we make sure our students are ready for the SBA in the spring of 2015. To that end, Betsie Valley Elementary School will be participating in two pilot SBA tests in the spring of 2013.  The 4th graders will take the SBA Math test in late April, and the 5th graders will take the SBA English/Language Arts test in early May.  This is a huge opportunity for our students and staff to experience the SBA a full two years prior to it's official implementation.

In addition, all Benzie Central Schools are currently preparing to use a new computer-based diagnostic assessment tool, beginning in the 2013-2014 school year.  NWEA MAP tests are similar in format to the SBA.  By taking several meaningful assessments using technology, our students have some fantastic opportunities to prepare for Michigan's new standardized tests.  

The MAP tests may help to prepare our students for taking computer-based assessments, but their primary purpose is much larger in scope.  MAP tests will allow us to target our instruction to the specific areas that our students show they need.  It will also allow us to regularly provide some very critical academic feedback to students and parents by using the program's many reports.  These reports will be available to us almost immediately after the students take the MAP tests.

If you are looking for a clear presentation of information about MAP Tests and Smarter Balanced Assessments, click on the following links.  They will each open in a new window.

NWEA - Northwest Evaluation Association (MAP Tests)

SBA - Smarter Balanced Assessment (Replacing MEAP in spring 2015)

Great Things Seen or Heard at Betsie Valley Elementary this week:

We had our Honor Roll Assembly on Tuesday, where 46 of our upper elementary (3rd-5th Grade) students were "honored" for their academic excellence.  All A's or All A's and B's.  Way to go!

Early in the week, Mrs. Erfourth's 1st graders were working hard in the computer lab typing creative sentences using their spelling words.

Mr. Wassa, Mr. Cox, and Ms. Kitty spent a few days with 30+ 5th graders at Camp Hayo Went Ha, near Bellaire, MI.  Kitty sent back some pictures and videos. They clearly had a fantastic camping trip!

Mrs. Dodge listened as Dathan and Gabe (and many others) read books aloud to her.  Kindergarteners love reading to adults who want to listen.  Mrs. Dodge should be so proud of all her little readers.

There are several students that appreciate Mrs. Bluhm every day at around noon, as she spends recess time inside. Each of these students is unable to be outside in the winter for one reason or another.

There are a few students that have the privilege of eating their lunch with Ms. Kristi, and they love it.  They are so thankful that she spends a couple days each week as a counselor at Betsie Valley.

Videos Worth Your Time

It will look like the picture below

This kid has a pretty awesome pep talk for all of us (3 mins)

Articles and Websites Worth Your Time

Record-Eagle Newspaper article on Benzie Elementary Schools' partnership with Grow Benzie

30 Things to Start Doing

Betsie Valley's Calendar is online.  Check it out!

3rd grade students on the A/B Honor Roll for the 2nd Marking Period:

3rd grade students on the All-A Honor Roll for the 2nd Marking Period:

4th grade students on the A/B Honor Roll for the 2nd Marking Period:

4th grade students on the All-A Honor Roll for the 2nd Marking Period:

5th grade students on the A/B Honor Roll for the 2nd Marking Period:

5th grade students on the All-A Honor Roll for the 2nd Marking Period:

This pretty much sums up the weather we had this week:

On Sunday, Jill and I welcomed a fourth child into our family.  Naturally, I spent some time at home with my wife and kids.  I appreciated all your kind words this week.  Here's a picture of all four of them, taken the day Isaiah came home from the hospital.  These kids are awesome!

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